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Did you know we can offer great discounts on multi product orders.

Get in touch today to find out how we can help.

Here at Happy Beds, we value every last customer - and that’s why business owners can save on our products too! Available in a wide range of sizes, shapes, and styles, we’ve got beds and mattresses for every trade; including hotels, guest houses, student accommodation, landlords, care homes, and more.

Why buy from us:

Exclusive bed & mattress trade discounts
In-stock products for speedy delivery
Priority delivery at a time that suits you
Personalised contact to help manage your order
Manufacturer’s Guarantee
Rated ‘Excellent’ on Trustpilot

Get in touch by filling out the form below to find out about our best mattress and bed trade discounts:

Want to speak with a member of our team?

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of opening a trade account with Happy Beds?

The main advantage of opening a trade account with Happy Beds would be the discount available. You would also receive a personalised experience with a tailored delivery service.

What is the eligibility for a trade account?

You must be a registered business or charity within the UK to open a trade account with Happy Beds.

Do you offer a personalised delivery service?

We aim to work around your circumstances. Once your basic information is collected, our trade team can offer the most suitable services available for you.

What sort of discounts can you offer?

The discount available is subject to terms, such as the item in question and quantity required.

Is there incentives for repeat custom?

Yes, exclusive discounts will be provided to those who place multiple orders.

Can you provide prices without VAT?

Yes, please contact the team directly via email to [email protected] for a personalised quote.

Can I have a preferred method of contact?

Yes, please specify your preferred method of contact when getting in touch with our trade department.

What are the options for payment?

We can offer various payment methods, such as upfront or spread across several instalments. Please visit our Ways to Pay for further information.

Does the warranty differ for trade customers?

No, the warranty is the same as the warranty available to our general customers. Please visit our Manufacturer's Guarantee for further information.

Do you have dedicated account handlers?

We have a dedicated team of advisors with flexible availability who can work around your schedule to provide a service that goes the extra mile.

Is there an allowance for spare parts?

Depending on the nature of your request, we can liaise with our manufacturers to provide spare parts upon request.

Do you provide pro-forma invoices?

Our trade team can create pro-forma invoices for payment via BACS.

Do you provide VAT incoices?

We can supply VAT invoices around 21 days after the items are delivered. Please speak with our trade team who will supply these.