Built for comfort and convenience. With little effort on assembly and a minimal yet modern appearance, the Tyler Grey Wooden Trundle is perfect for families who have guests (with little to no warning!)

Small But Sturdy
The Tyler Wooden Trundle is a small design, but what it lacks in size it makes up for in comfort. Crafted from sturdy engineered wood, the frame is capable of holding the weight of an adult comfortable, with no risk of any breakages.

The Perfect Pair
Made to fit seamlessly with one another, the Tyler Grey Wooden Trundle Bed slides perfectly into the frame of the Tyler Grey Wooden Day Bed. These two beds create the perfect piece, accommodating 2 guests instead of just 1.

Due to its size and compatibility with the Tyler Grey Day Bed, the Tyler Grey Trundle is ideal for those who lack space. Making the most of floor space, simply slot the Tyler Wooden Trundle Frame underneath the bed frame until needed, creating an organised and clutter-free space.