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4-Door Wardrobes

4-door wardrobes offer up significant space for storage. In essence, they are a dream for those of us drowning in clothes and for families who require space to store the essentials.

In stock, we have a range of quadruple wardrobes, including those with drawers and mirrors, to ensure there’s something to suit every taste. After all, a wardrobe has to match you as a person, but also your storage needs and bedroom design.

Space-Saving Wardrobes

By matching the space-saving appeal of quadruple wardrobes with modern tastes, Happy Beds has a catalogue of 4-door wardrobes that not only provide storage but eye-catching, seamless design. Browse our quadruple wardrobes below.

4 Items

Lynx Grey 4 Door 2 Drawer Wardrobe with Mirror
New Arrival
Lynx Grey 4 Door 2 Drawer Wardrobe with Mirror
£589.99 You Save: £195 Now From £394.99
5 Year Guarantee
Urban Rustic 4 Door Wardrobe
New Arrival
Urban Rustic 4 Door Wardrobe
£564.99 You Save: £185 Now From £379.99
5 Year Guarantee
Lynx White and Grey 4 Door 2 Drawer Wardrobe with Mirror
4 star review
Lynx White and Grey 4 Door 2 Drawer Wardrobe with Mirror
£589.99 You Save: £195 Now From £394.99
5 Year Guarantee
Lynx 4 Door Combination Mirrored Wardrobe Black
New Arrival
Lynx 4 Door Combination Mirrored Wardrobe Black
£589.99 You Save: £195 Now From £394.99
5 Year Guarantee

4 Items